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Moving checklist keeps things organized…and fun!

Posted: May 31, 2019 - Homebuyer's Blog

Moving into a new home is exciting!  But it’s undeniably a huge task. That’s why Hartz Homes has created an all-inclusive moving checklist. It will keep everything on track and make the whole process fun and exciting.  We’re here to help you figure out exactly what you should be doing before, during, and even after Read More


Eight ways to save for a down payment

Posted: May 15, 2019 - Homebuyer's Blog

When buying a first home, many people save for their down payment for several years. The higher your down payment is, the lower your loan and monthly payment will be. Hartz Homes wants to share eight things other people have done to make sure there’s enough money when it’s time to get a first mortgage. Read More


Organization tips for new home owners

Posted: May 1, 2019 - Homebuyer's Blog

Hartz Homes knows that move-in day is a great time to start an organization plan. Otherwise, you’re likely to spend a ton of time sifting through things over and over just to find what you’re looking for.  What a waste of time and energy! The time you spend to organize initially will pay off in Read More