Hartz Homes would like to help put some “Boo!” into your home decor this Halloween. Click here for 43 free pumpkin carving designs (thank you DIY Network). Read on for some great tips for using these templates to carve the perfect pumpkin.
Step 1. Choose a Pumpkin Shape
Pick a pumpkin that’s the right shape for your carving pattern. Check the surface for soft spots. You’ll want a smooth, unblemished surface for carving. Give it a nice thump with your finger. You should hear a ripe, hollow sound. A strong, well-attached stem is also a sign of pumpkin healthiness. Choose a pumpkin with a stable bottom. Balance is important; a solid bottom that supports the pumpkin means less chance of rolling or being knocked over.
Size Wise. A medium-sized pumpkin is easier to work with than a huge or tiny one. But, be flexible about the shape — a tall, skinny pumpkin may be just the thing for your design. Choose pumpkins that are at least 9-10 inches high so there is adequate room for a votive candle to burn safely.
Tip: A clean pumpkin lasts longer. Wash it and let it dry thoroughly. Before you start carving, let your pumpkin sit at room temperature for a while.
Step 2. Cut Out the Top
Using a sharp knife, cut a circular hole in the top of the pumpkin at an angle toward the center. This will create a support ledge for your lid.
Or, if you prefer to keep your top in one piece, cut a hole straight up through the base.
Tip: Before you remove the lid or bottom, make a mark or notch on the pumpkin and the cut piece so it’s easy to match them up afterwards.
Step 3. Scoop the Seeds
Using a metal spoon, scoop out the pulp and seeds. For easier cleanup, do this over several layers of newspaper or the kitchen sink. Scrape the walls of your pumpkin until it is clean and the areas to be carved are about 1-inch thick.
Step 4. Trace Your Design
Enlarge or reduce the template to fit your pumpkin’s size. Print the design and tape it to the surface to be carved. Follow the design lines with a rotary tracing wheel or use an awl or thin screwdriver to make holes along the design lines about 1/8-inch apart. Remove the stencil pattern when finished.
Step 5. Get Carving
Use a crafts knife, fine-toothed saw, or pumpkin-carving tools to cut out the design. (You can find pumpkin-carving tools at grocery, retail, and drug stores.) Work from the center of your design outward to avoid putting pressure on areas already carved. Keep your saw perpendicular to your pumpkin as you saw in an up-and-down motion. Apply gentle pressure while removing and reinserting the knife to make corners; don’t twist the blade. Use your finger to carefully push out cut pieces from the inside.
Step 6. Light It Up
Illuminate your jack o’lantern with a battery-powered light or candle. To use a candle inside, place it and light it after all the carving is complete. When the candle smoke has blackened a spot on the lid or the top, use a saw to cut a 1-inch-diameter hole at that spot for a chimney.
Tip: Use a paper towel to rub petroleum jelly over all the cut surfaces, inside and outside the pumpkin. This will help preserve your pumpkin for several days and reduce shrivelling.
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